Category Archives: law of attraction

Shower Talk

The top 10 things millionaires do in the morning! The 5 things every successful person does before they start their day! How often do we see lists such as these. It seems every week there is a new list, all claiming to hold the essentials to an effective routine. What we seem to find though is a lot of these lists contain the same old boring information. Drink water, make your bed, workout, at this point these are no longer secrets at all. In fact they are more common knowledge than secrets. But today I believe I have one task that hasn’t been added to any of those lists. Im not claiming this is a secret, in fact its far from it. If anything it is a tip or tool you can use to set your mindset and the direction for your day! I hope you’ll take this recommendation to heart. Use it, master it, and begin living each and every day to its fullest potential.

It’s called shower talk! You’ve probably heard the phrase pillow talk. This is nothing like that! This is a powerful tool! This sets the tone for your day! This prompts you to have the confidence, courage, and energy to accomplish all of the tasks you have set for yourself!

The best part is performing shower talk is super easy! This is how it works. Each morning when you wake up and take a shower, spend a few minutes talking to yourself. Not half asleep, not unenthused talking to yourself, but energetic, emotional, life filled talking to yourself. Speak on your confidence, your mood, your success.Crate the energy of your day with your emotions and the words that encapsulate them. For example you may say full heartedly, “I’m unstoppable, I accomplish all my goals to the best of my abilities and always do an excellent job!” Repeating this a few times you will begin to engrave this into your mind and your subconscious.

Pack as much emotion and feeling into these words as possible. Make them full of weight, make them real! Once you begin doing this on a regular bases you will get the hang of it even better. You will begin to create certain phrases you like to repeat and that truly strike a core with you.

The way you begin you day is essential to success. If you start it with no emotion, excitement, or optimism, you will have results just alike. Setting your mindset from the very start is an excellent way to set the tone and make a pledge to your own mind that you will demand your day is a certain way. I hope that you can use this and what ever tactics you enjoy in creating the best life possible!!

An Uncommon Friend.

Why is it that we are so damn afraid of challenges? They scare us sure, but why? The fear of uncertainty, the fear of failure, these are both valid explanations. But really what I want to know is who gave challanges so much power. Who deemed them boss? Who let them control so much of what we do? It is with much sadness that i say the answer to all those questions is us. Maybe it is not directly the challenge but more of the sensations we feel when coming face to face with a challenge that we fear. The weight we have allowed a “challenge” to carry is astronomical. For example, say one day a wonderful idea pops into your head! Geniuses! But then the opposition calls in their fire power. An array of challenges pops into your head. I don’t know the right people, I don’t have enough money, I’ve never tried something like that before. All of these are the challenges we so often face, and all of these are phrases that have effected our lives in more ways than we can imagine. Think for a second what your life would be if instead of fearing and running away from a challenge, you embraced it. What if you didn’t see “challenges” as a obstacle or road block but instead saw them as an opportunity for growth, new knowledge, and to develop yourself as a more in tuned human being. 

You see I believe the issue lies in our perspective. “Perspective is everything”, a phrase we so often hear, and so often let pass without the slightest marination on its validity. But you see its true. The way you view something drastically changes the results of it. If you see something as negative you will soon yield negative results. If you see something in a positive light however you will then see positive results. The output results always mimics the input emotions. 

Looking back into challenges specifically, I ask that the next time you are met with one you embrace it. I beg you swing your doors wide open, wave it in and treat it to a meal. Because with the correct perspective we see “challenges” are actually packed with positives.One of which I’d like to share . While it may seem quite contrary, challenges in fact create the happiest and most joyous moments of our existence. Please allow me to expand my thoughts.

When we are faced with a challenge we often times sink in happiness. We may feel overwhelmed, sad, or maybe depressed. But because we can feel these empty, cold emotions it means we can also feel extreme joy and glee. If we were never able to walk through the deep steep valleys and feel their emptiness we would never reach the magnificent mountain tops and the exuberant happiness they posses. With out sadness we would only feel extreme happiness, which would become a normalized feeling and would no longer feel quite so extraordinary. The wonderful feelings of happiness would completely disappear if were not as equally familiar with the feelings of despair. So in reality we should thank challenges for arising. Not only do they allow opportunity to grow and ever improve ourselves they also allow us to feel the saddest of emotions. But right behind the saddest of emotions is the happiest of emotions ready to take their place.

The truth is I really hope you think for a second before judging a challenge that arises. Do not be quick to label it in one direction or the other. Allow it to marinate. Look for the positives that will come out of it. Chances are if you do this, you will find it may be in your best interest to make challenges an uncommon friend.


Be easy my friends



P.S. I am in the process of creating an ebook. The book will describe a spelled out plan to acquiring your dreams through using visualization, emotions, and the correct habits. Please like this post if you may be interested in grabbing a copy once its completed.